Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts

Category: Eye Diseases

Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts

Approximately 25 million Americans have cataracts, which cause cloudy, blurry or dim vision and often develop with advancing age. This June, Carolina Ophthalmology, PA joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in observing Cataract Awareness Month. We will be sharing three things everyone should know about this diagnosis and its treatment.  As everyone grows older, the… Read More

Steps to Lower Your Risk of Eye Disease

By age 65, one in three Americans will have a vision-impairing eye disease. Many sight-robbing conditions can be effectively treated if detected early enough, in many cases limiting or eliminating the damage to eyesight. During the month of May, Carolina Ophthalmology, PA joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in sharing valuable information about how to take care… Read More

Your Brain May be Disguising a Blinding Eye Disease

Marlene Klein was having trouble recognizing familiar faces and began to mistake her fingers for carrots as she chopped vegetables. However, she had no idea she was slowly losing her vision to a leading cause of blindness, age-related macular degeneration (AMD). That’s because her brain was compensating for the developing blind spots in her vision…. Read More

Glaucoma Does Discriminate: Here’s What You Need to Know to Protect Yourself

Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of vision loss, affecting about 3 million people in the United States.1 But this potentially blinding eye disease does not affect all people equally. During Glaucoma Awareness Month in January, Carolina Ophthalmology, PA and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are urging people to be screened, especially if you are at increased risk… Read More

Three Things Patients Should Know About Cataracts

Approximately 25 million Americans have cataracts, which causes cloudy, blurry or dim vision and often develops with advancing age. This June, Carolina Ophthalmology, PA joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in observing Cataract Awareness Month by sharing three things everyone should know about the condition and its treatment.  As everyone grows older, the lenses of… Read More

Sixty Percent of Americans with Diabetes Skip Annual Sight-Saving Exams 

Raj Patel, MD reiterates the importance of dilated eye exams in preventing vision loss Hendersonville, NC – November 8, 2017 – People with diabetes are at increased risk of developing serious eye diseases, yet most do not have sight-saving, annual eye exams, according to a large study. This is especially timely as Carolina Ophthalmology joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) in reiterating the… Read More

When is the Right Time to Have Cataract Surgery?

Drs. Mark Joseph and Jonathan Fritz offer tips to help people considering whether to have the procedure. Nearly 25.7 million Americans over age 40 have cataracts, and the number is projected to increase to 45.6 million by 2050.[i] While the only way to remove cataracts – a clouding of the eye’s lens – is surgery, the… Read More

Older man reading to children


Middle aged woman getting an eye exam


Older Man looking into camera


Young Couple Embracing
